Zombie Apocalypse

Zombie Apocalypse

by Mark Young -
Number of replies: 1

It seems there are reports of Mad Cow disease catching on with some deer in North America and parts of Asia.

The deer are supposedly eating each other. 

Sounds strange enough, because I could never picture this, a deer eating another deer.

But... here is the scary part... some people are even more concerned now that this will very soon spread to humans. 

Not sure why it didn't really happen with the cows, and I'm not so worried about it now.

It is news, but at the moment, some are taking it in stride:

"Great, now the girl I always wanted will be chasing me.", one netizin sighed.

Well, Zombie Apocalypse is already here. The tell are those who putt along in a daze, face glued to a hand held screen, and getting in my way.

I only wonder why there aren't more accidents.

Sorry all, this isn't fake news, it's too darned real.

In reply to Mark Young

Re: Zombie Apocalypse

by Mark Young -
Detect presence of zombies nearby.

Shout the following:
"Any zombies out there? "

If you hear strange groaning noises, there are probably zombies reacting to your voice nearby.

If you hear, "yes, I'm a zombie. ", it's probably just some annoying person trying to trick you or annoy you, because they are so annoying.